Usine provides a new way of connecting patches together with a modular layer. The library contains more than 60 ready to play patches.
A modular rack contains inlets and outlets of different types and colors.
audio | cv | frequency | gate | midi | video |
audio flow, array of samples in the range [-1..1] | data in the range [0..1] or [-1..1] | data in the range [0..1] scaled 0.1 per octave | switch or trigger 0 or 1 | midi flow | video flow |
On CV and frequency inlets you can change the modulation range with the mouse wheel.
full modulation range | small modulation range |
You can can connect several wires to an inlet or from an outlet with the [shift] key.
If you want to disconnect or move a wire in a multiple cluster, click on the inlet/outlet until the wire is selected (the wire appears in white)
This section describes how to create a modular patch or rack. You simply have to put modular-in or modular-out modules in your patches.
Type of modular input or output.
- audio
- cv
- cv frequency
- gate (switch or trigger)
- midi
- video
modular outlet example
For CV or Frequency inlet you have to set the modulation mode, the min and max real values of the inlet. Also a fader can be connected to the from control input to use the patch/rack when the inlet is not connected or to set base modulation value.
typical modular CV inlet example
The output value is modulation + from control.
The output value is modulation - from control.
The output value is modulation * from control.
When connected, the from control value is totally bypassed and the output is only the modulation between [min..max]
version 5.2.221206
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