External Wacom Tablet

Gives Wacom tablet information. wacom tablet



X position of the stylus.


Y position of the stylus.


Z position of the stylus.


Pressure of the stylus.

tangential pressure

Tangential pressure of the stylus. Refers to the force that the stylus tip exerts perpendicular to the surface being scanned or tracked. The tangential pressure is also often known as tracking force.


Rotation of the stylus.

tilt X

Tilt X of the stylus.

tilt Y

Tilt Y of the stylus.

The tilt refers to the angle at which the stylus tip is positioned in relation to the surface being scanned or tracked. It is the angle between the axis of the stylus tip and the normal of the surface.


Twist of the stylus. Refers to the angle at which the stylus tip is rotated in relation to the axis of the stylus. In other words, it's the angle between the axis of the stylus and the tangent of the path which the stylus tip describe while it traverse over the surface.


Send 1 when the stylus in contact with the tablet.

button 1

Send 1 when the stylus button 1 is pressed.

button 2

Send 1 when the stylus button 2 is pressed.

See also

version 6.0.240115

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