The homepage

It is now time to launch the MotionKit application. To do so, please refer to the Launching the application section of the manual.

Once launched, the homepage appears.

The homepage allows navigation between the different instruments and also to do basic settings.

The homepage contains 3 sections.:

  • 1 The menu bar,
  • 2 The instrument's list,

The menu bar

You will find the menu bar taking different forms in the MotionKit software. It is composed by four icons on the homepage:

Switches between play mode and homepage, see Play mode

Switch to fullscreen mode.

By clicking on this icon you will open the settings page that allows setting the correct display configuration according to your screen, change your sound card properties. Please refer to the general settings section to get more information’s about advanced settings.

Quit MotionKit.

The instruments list

You will see in this zone the available instruments inside MotionKit. To start playing with them, just double-click on the corresponding image.


Available classroom projects in MotionKit are addedd automatically on the startpage. Click on the corresponding icon to open them.


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