This chapter is only for advanced users, and only if you want to create/modify patches dynamically.
You can create and add personal templates in the /Config/Templates/
Before creating any template you have to activate the god mode the setup-panel-tab-expert.
In the Resources/Templates folder, you will find default patch files used in Usine. You can modify, adapt those files to your needs.
Usine includes a powerful Templates Engine.
To manipulate and create your own templates you have to understand how work's the internal messages describes below.
To have an idea of how it works, start to open the Usine console-panel by double clicking on the trace-panel.
Then open a patch and drag&drop a file.
You will see several lines added in the console, something like
SET_VAR patch SENDER_PATCH = noname
SET_VAR integer MOUSE_X = 150
SET_VAR integer MOUSE_Y = 189
SET_VAR integer ON_WIRE = 0
SET_VAR String DROP_FILENAME = /Applications/ Library/Audio FX/Delays/Delay.pat
If you now try to create a wire on the patch, you will see in the console :
SET_VAR integer MOUSE_X = 233
SET_VAR integer MOUSE_Y = 432
SET_VAR patch SENDER_PATCH = /Applications/Usine/Usine Library/Audio FX/Delays/Delay.pat
SET_VAR integer SRC_TERM_NUM = 1
SET_VAR integer ON_WIRE = 0
Those values are interpreted by the template engine to offer several choices to user after a wire creation or what to do with a dropped file.
In the folder Templates you will find lots of examples (files *.txt) that you can easily adapt to you own purpose like
NAME=Horizontal Fader
SET_VALUE fader1 min SRC_MIN
SET_VALUE fader1 max SRC_MAX
SET_VALUE fader1 scale SRC_SCALE
SET_VALUE fader1 "default val" SRC_DEFAULT_VALUE
Current Template Engine version, should be 1 in HH5.
Name of the template which appears in the templates list.
Type of flow concerned by the template.
Determines if the template concerns a [Right-Click] on a wire.
NAME=Pass if Changed
Determines if the template concerns a [Right-Click] on an empty zone of the patch.
NAME=Horizontal Fader
Num ID of the source module when a wire is created.
Extension of the dropped file, ie. PAT, WAV, AIF, MOV, etc
NAME=Open Patch
Since the v4.1 Usine provides a powerful internal language to create patch dynamically.
The background idea is very simple: you send messages to the internal messages manager by several ways:
Of course, commands can be sent over the network with OSC modules.
Contains the patch designed as the target patch, in other word it's the patch that executes the commands.
Contains the patch which actually sending the messages. This variable is automatically set by Usine.
Contains the current X coordinate of the mouse. This variable is automatically set by Usine.
Contains the current Y coordinate of the mouse. This variable is automatically set by Usine.
Its value is 1 if the user is pressing the [shift] key, 0 otherwise.
Its value is 1 if the user is pressing the [control] key, 0 otherwise.
Its value is 1 if the user is pressing the [Alt] key, 0 otherwise.
Contains the name of the last created module by the command CREATE_MODULE. This variable is automatically set by Usine.
Its value is 1 if the user has dropped a file on a wire.
Contains the list of all available DATA buses for the current patch.
Contains the list of all available AUDIO buses for the current patch.
Contains the list of all available MIDI buses for the current patch.
The following variables are automatically set by Usine when the user try to create a new wire in a patch. They are used in the Templates Engine.
min value of the selected terminal
max value of the selected terminal
min value of the target terminal
max value of the target terminal
name of the selected terminal
num (order) of the selected terminal
num (order) of the target terminal
symbol string of the selected terminal
format string of the selected terminal
selected module
selected module ID
full name of the dropped file
short name of the dropped file
extension of the dropped file
string which contains all the items of the list box separated by commas
number of items in the list box
value of the terminal
default value of the terminal
number of digits displayed of the terminal
value as a string format (for text terminals)
query index of the target. Determines for example, if a module is mono, stereo, etc.
Names between brackets [] are optional
The name of a module can be changed with [Alt+Click].
Sets a variable value
SET_VAR pi 3.14
SET_VAR HelloString 'Hello guys'
for strings optional value2 is concatenated
new name will be the concatenation of 'hello' and the DROPFILENAME variable
Creates a new module at the position x y in the patch.
The module type is set by the parameter id (see the list of id's bellow). Then the module is renamed with the modulename.
For subpatches modules (id=6) you must specify the filename of the subpatch.
For user modules (id=95) you must specify the user module filename.
You can also set the queryindex, which is the value of the choice order in the query creation box. ie:for audio modules 0=mono, 1=stereo, 2=4 x channels, etc.
CREATE_MODULE vol 4 100 100 creates an audio volume stereo module
CREATE_MODULE vol 261 100 100 2 creates an audio volume 4channels module (queryindex=2)
CREATE_MODULE gate 6 100 100 'c:UsineGate.pat' add the Gate.pat subpatch
CREATE_MODULE matrix 95 100 100 'Matrix.usr' create the Matrix.usr User module
CREATE_MODULE reverb 95 100 100 'Reverb.usr' 0 create the Reverb.usr User module in Mono version (queryindex = 0)
Creates a new plugin module (for example VST) at the position x y in the patch.
CREATE_PLUGIN myplug 100 100 'ACE(x64).plugin'
'plugfilename' must be a valid file name, located in the /Config/Plug-ins/
folder inside
the Usine's package.
Changes the name of the module. If the newmodule name parameter is missing, the module name is set to nothing (blank).
Recreates the modulename module.
Deletes the modulename module.
Defines the target patch which will receive Internal Messages
SET_TARGET_PATCH SENDER_PATCH the active patch is the current patch
Defines the target subpatch that will receive Internal Messages.
Set a patch with patchnum index in the racknum rack as the target
Sets the terminalname value of the modulename module
CREATE_MODULE MyMIDICreate 78 100 100 //create a Create MIDI note module
SET_VALUE MyMIDICreate create 1 //set the ‘create' inlet of the ‘MyMIDICreate' module value to 1
CREATE_MODULE MyDelay 54 100 100 //create a Delay module
SET_VALUE MyDelay delay 100 //set the delay inlet of the ‘MyDelay' module value to 100ms
Same as the SET_VALUE above but for strings values. SET_STRING_VALUE fader1 Caption “I love you"
Sets the values of a listbox items. A comma-text is a list of possible values separated by commas.
SET_COMMATEXT Listbox1 list “delay, flanger, filter"
Gets the values of a listbox items and store it in destvariable. A comma-text is a list of possible values separated by commas.
GET_COMMATEXT Listbox1 list value
Retrieves the value of a terminal and store it in a destvariable variable.
Retrieves the index of a terminal and store it in a destvariable variable.
Retrieves the caption of a terminal and store it in a destvariable variable.
Retrieves the value of a string terminal and store it in a destvariable variable.
Adds a new link (wire) between two modules. Always from out to in.
CREATE_LINK Step1 out Delay1 delay
The CREATE_LINK command can also be used with Terminal order number instead of terminal names. Typically, the SRCTERMNUM gives the order of the target inlet. The following example comes from a template (see p226).
Deletes a link (wire)
DELETE_LINK Step1 out Delay1 delay
Az above the DELETE_LINK command can also be used with Terminal order number instead of terminal names.
Clears the target patch. No prompt is made.
Stores Undo information's. So the user will be able to cancel the last operation.
For example, if you send the single command
Then undo is impossible...
Now, if you send
The user will be able to undo the Clear patch operation.
Executes an undo on the target patch
Executes a redo on the target patch
Loads a new patch in the target patch. Be careful, no prompt for save is done…
Saves the target patch as a new name
Reloads the current Target patch.
Renames the target patch without saving it.
Loads a new rack in the current workspace. Be careful, no prompt for save is done…
Opens a patch and add new modules to the actual patch (without clear it before).
Ask the user to enter a numerical value and stores the result in VarName.
INPUT_QUERY_VALUE 'Enter the fader value' FADERVALUE 50
Ask the user to enter a string and stores the result in VarName.
INPUT_QUERY_STRING 'Input items, separated by commas' COMMATEXT 'a,b,c,d'
Ask the user to select an item in a List. Stores the selected string result in ResultStringVariableName and the selected item index in ResultIndexVariableName.
The last parameter is optional.
Generally used with the following variables:
For example
Ask the user to save the target patch if it has been modified.
Can be used before a CLEAR_PATCH or a LOADPATCH operation.
Loads a new workspace. Be careful, no prompt is done...
Saves the current workspace as a new name. If no filename is specified it saves the workspace with its current file name.
Creates an Unique Identifier (UID) and store it in variable
Pauses and process queued Usine messages.
Selects the modulename module.
Optional template finalization.
Must be used if you IML commands in scripts with a sub-patch as target
SET_SETTING myOscilloscope "border width" 3
Here is the list of modules ID's used in the CREATE_MODULE message.
Module name | ID |
1d array to 3d | 380 |
3d cartesian to spheric | 775 |
3d editor | 379 |
3d get point | 393 |
3d matrix array to 3d points | 387 |
3d points combine inverse | 736 |
3d points combine | 735 |
3d points to matrix array | 381 |
3d set point | 392 |
3d spheric to cartesian | 776 |
3d to video | 626 |
3d transform rotation x | 384 |
3d transform rotation y | 385 |
3d transform rotation z | 383 |
3d transform rotation | 624 |
3d transform scaling | 386 |
3d transform translation | 382 |
3d viewer | 625 |
additional input | 313 |
additional output | 115 |
array affect one by one | 700 |
array average | 142 |
array chaser | 588 |
array clip | 227 |
array combine inverse | 713 |
array combine | 714 |
array concat 2x | 155 |
array concat 3x | 245 |
array concat 4x | 247 |
array concat | 483 |
array contains | 654 |
array copy to | 778 |
array delay | 476 |
array delete value | 369 |
array difference | 368 |
array display | 260 |
array duplicate | 447 |
array editor legacy | 152 |
array expand compress | 230 |
array extract | 246 |
array fill ramp | 240 |
array fill | 231 |
array find index | 656 |
array gate | 228 |
array get element values | 139 |
array get nb lines | 389 |
array get nb rows | 391 |
array get size | 149 |
array insert | 774 |
array limit size | 582 |
array max position | 210 |
array max value | 132 |
array min position | 224 |
array min value | 133 |
array queue data | 136 |
array random | 404 |
array recursive add | 655 |
array remove duplicate | 653 |
array repeat | 707 |
array reverse | 138 |
array roll | 475 |
array set element values | 140 |
array set nb lines | 388 |
array set nb rows | 390 |
array set size | 229 |
array shift | 207 |
array shuffle | 594 |
array smooth values | 696 |
array sort | 137 |
array split | 706 |
array standard deviation | 143 |
array sum | 141 |
array unpack | 664 |
audio analysis envelope follower | 55 |
audio analysis kick detector | 565 |
audio analysis partial tracker | 64 |
audio analysis peak detect | 58 |
audio analysis pitch | 663 |
audio analysis zero crossing | 107 |
audio chorus | 416 |
audio delay cloud | 699 |
audio delay wfs | 709 |
audio delay | 328 |
audio disto bit crusher | 323 |
audio disto wave shaper | 324 |
audio dynamics limiter legacy | 112 |
audio dynamics limiter | 418 |
audio dynamics simple compressor | 336 |
audio dynamics simple gate | 337 |
audio dynamics soft clipping | 318 |
audio envelope adsr | 241 |
audio filter biquad | 425 |
audio filter butterworth | 693 |
audio filter dc blocker | 445 |
audio filter formant | 329 |
audio filter linkwitz riley | 332 |
audio filter moog | 497 |
audio filter multi bandpass | 694 |
audio filter one pole | 496 |
audio filter parametric eq | 695 |
audio filter vocoder | 459 |
audio filter | 326 |
audio mix crossfade | 305 |
audio mix dispatch multi | 674 |
audio mix dispatch | 403 |
audio mix mixer | 267 |
audio mix ms decoder | 444 |
audio mix phase inversion | 443 |
audio mix volume | 261 |
audio octave divider | 427 |
audio oscillator additive | 725 |
audio oscillator analog | 616 |
audio oscillator digital | 415 |
audio oscillator fm | 658 |
audio oscillator simple | 338 |
audio oscillator vps | 432 |
audio oscillator wavetable | 431 |
audio pan dbap distance amplitude 2d | 300 |
audio pan dbap distance amplitude 3d | 395 |
audio pan quadratic distance 2d | 253 |
audio pan quadratic distance 3d | 394 |
audio pan stereo panner | 670 |
audio pan surround panner 3d | 722 |
audio pan surround panner | 343 |
audio phaser | 325 |
audio pitch shifter | 448 |
audio reverb convolution legacy | 419 |
audio reverb diffusor | 429 |
audio reverb fdn legacy | 417 |
audio reverb plate legacy | 428 |
audio sampler grain cloud | 439 |
audio sampler grain legacy | 348 |
audio sampler grain | 349 |
audio sampler midi legacy | 346 |
audio sampler midi | 406 |
audio sampler recorder grain legacy | 259 |
audio sampler recorder grain | 350 |
audio sampler recorder midi legacy | 258 |
audio sampler recorder | 344 |
audio sampler | 347 |
audio timeline | 370 |
bitwise and | 460 |
bitwise integer to bitwise | 462 |
bitwise not | 467 |
bitwise or | 463 |
bitwise shl | 465 |
bitwise shr | 466 |
bitwise to binary string | 728 |
bitwise to integer | 461 |
bitwise xor | 464 |
bluetooth receive | 677 |
bridge | 424 |
bulk bus get audio | 720 |
bulk bus set audio | 721 |
bus get array index | 723 |
bus get audio | 457 |
bus get color | 578 |
bus get data or array | 114 |
bus get dmx | 727 |
bus get midi | 119 |
bus get text | 420 |
bus get video | 544 |
bus list | 251 |
bus set audio | 458 |
bus set color | 579 |
bus set data or array | 113 |
bus set dmx | 726 |
bus set midi | 118 |
bus set text | 421 |
bus set video | 543 |
cartesian to polar | 226 |
cluster | 606 |
color array add | 586 |
color array concat | 601 |
color array display | 585 |
color array mult | 587 |
color array random | 589 |
color array to colors | 607 |
color array to video | 639 |
color cmyk | 480 |
color complementary | 479 |
color dimmer | 592 |
color hsl legacy | 478 |
color hsl | 477 |
color mix mixer | 409 |
color mix selector | 342 |
color palette number | 399 |
color palette | 223 |
color rgb | 376 |
color smooth | 408 |
color to rgb legacy | 375 |
color transformer | 499 |
comma text editor | 598 |
comma text extract | 600 |
comma text get size | 560 |
comma text get string index | 562 |
comma text get string | 563 |
comma text strings to comma text | 441 |
comma text to floats | 561 |
comma text to strings | 559 |
conductor | 178 |
control button | 8 |
control combobox | 68 |
control fader color | 289 |
control fader directory | 564 |
control fader filename | 550 |
control fader horizontal | 3 |
control fader midi note | 222 |
control fader smpte | 595 |
control fader text | 164 |
control fader vertical legacy | 172 |
control fader vertical | 716 |
control knob midi note | 442 |
control knob | 175 |
control led | 104 |
control listbox buttons | 212 |
control listbox | 177 |
control play switch | 729 |
control switch double | 762 |
control switch | 9 |
control vu meter horizontal | 81 |
control vu meter vertical | 171 |
conversion db to multiplication coeff | 98 |
conversion exponential scale | 147 |
conversion frequency to midi note | 87 |
conversion midi note to frequency | 86 |
conversion multiplication coeff to db | 97 |
conversion multiplication coeff to pitch | 452 |
conversion pitch to multiplication coeff | 451 |
conversion power scale | 146 |
conversion round freq | 450 |
data counter | 363 |
data delay | 481 |
data filter kalman | 354 |
data filter median value | 473 |
data filter moving average | 474 |
data filter smooth attack release | 374 |
data filter smooth | 70 |
data generator adsr | 558 |
data generator grain | 65 |
data generator lfo | 84 |
data generator ramp | 304 |
data generator random | 57 |
data generator sequenced lines | 270 |
data generator sequenced points curve | 271 |
data generator sequenced step | 269 |
data generator sequenced switch | 272 |
data generator sequenced triggers | 339 |
data mix dispatch crossfade | 637 |
data mix dispatch | 266 |
data mix mixer | 268 |
data mix selector | 265 |
data scaling change scale | 362 |
data scaling mapper curve | 150 |
data scaling mapper values | 295 |
device input audio selection | 715 |
device input audio | 330 |
device input video | 505 |
device output audio selection | 757 |
device output audio | 331 |
device output video | 506 |
dsp bloc duration | 299 |
dsp bloc size | 144 |
dsp sample rate | 145 |
empty module | 89 |
external device asio driver | 749 |
external device hid | 673 |
external device joystick | 414 |
external device keyboard | 34 |
external device mouse | 74 |
external device sensors | 351 |
script | 355 |
fft forward | 93 |
fft inverse | 94 |
fft polar shifter | 697 |
fft sonogram | 430 |
file delete extension | 493 |
file extract extension | 491 |
file extract name | 492 |
file extract path | 490 |
file list manager | 357 |
file lister split | 602 |
file lister | 358 |
file open dialog | 302 |
file open text file | 688 |
file path delimiter | 489 |
file save text file | 771 |
file usine path | 551 |
flow freeze | 434 |
flow from one to zero | 220 |
flow from zero to one | 219 |
flow has changed | 106 |
flow is null | 581 |
flow pass if changed | 566 |
flow pass | 433 |
flow resample single | 495 |
flow resample | 494 |
flow stop | 435 |
flow thru | 437 |
flow to audio rate | 618 |
flow to data rate | 617 |
flow toggle | 221 |
flow wait | 436 |
global array color get array | 766 |
global array color get value | 740 |
global array color set array | 767 |
global array color set value | 741 |
global array color | 739 |
global array data get array | 733 |
global array data get value | 731 |
global array data osc | 770 |
global array data set array | 734 |
global array data set value | 732 |
global array data | 730 |
global array refresh remote | 751 |
global array save load file | 759 |
global array string get comma text | 764 |
global array string get value | 744 |
global array string set comma text | 765 |
global array string set value | 745 |
global array string | 743 |
global input midi | 621 |
input array | 166 |
input audio | 1 |
input color | 567 |
input data | 20 |
input midi | 5 |
input text | 507 |
input video | 503 |
laser player ilda | 623 |
light artnet dmx input | 675 |
light clear dmx channels | 397 |
light color array to artnet | 583 |
light direct artnet array | 552 |
light direct dmx array | 413 |
light direct dmx channel | 772 |
light fixture | 371 |
load patch | 122 |
load rack | 402 |
load workspace | 121 |
logical and | 50 |
logical diff | 45 |
logical equal | 49 |
logical inf equal | 44 |
logical inf | 42 |
logical multi compare | 681 |
logical not | 53 |
logical or | 51 |
logical sup equal | 43 |
logical sup | 41 |
logical xor | 52 |
math 1 minus | 290 |
math abs | 18 |
math add | 35 |
math ax plus b | 73 |
math constant | 29 |
math delta | 66 |
math div | 37 |
math exp | 15 |
math fmod | 398 |
math hypot | 456 |
math int power | 400 |
math intdiv | 39 |
math inverse | 16 |
math ln | 13 |
math log | 14 |
math max | 47 |
math min | 46 |
math minus 1 | 298 |
math minus | 19 |
math mod | 40 |
math mult | 38 |
math multiple variables | 689 |
math odd | 364 |
math plus 1 | 291 |
math power | 48 |
math quadratic distance 2d | 612 |
math quadratic distance 3d | 717 |
math random bloc | 678 |
math random | 32 |
math sign | 310 |
math sqr | 401 |
math sqrt | 17 |
math sub | 36 |
math variable | 25 |
midi delay | 482 |
midi filter multi | 353 |
midi filter | 77 |
midi generator create msc | 622 |
midi generator create | 78 |
midi generator random note on | 101 |
midi generator random | 340 |
midi generator sequenced step | 274 |
midi get message | 487 |
midi mix dispatch | 613 |
midi mix selector | 614 |
midi pianoroll | 275 |
midi player | 105 |
midi split | 591 |
midi swing | 486 |
midi sysex editor | 125 |
midi transformer | 80 |
midi unpack | 488 |
modular connected | 638 |
modular in | 634 |
modular out | 635 |
network ftp put file | 307 |
network get adapter info | 754 |
network get file | 498 |
network json string parser | 680 |
network modbus client read | 710 |
network modbus client write | 711 |
network modbus server | 712 |
network mqtt client | 763 |
network osc lister | 333 |
network osc receive | 278 |
network osc send text | 168 |
network osc send | 277 |
network receive bytes | 249 |
network send bytes | 170 |
network set ip address | 755 |
network tcp client | 790 |
network tcp server | 789 |
network web browser | 309 |
network web socket | 679 |
output array | 167 |
output audio | 2 |
output color | 568 |
output data | 21 |
output midi to usine | 252 |
output midi | 22 |
output text | 508 |
output video | 504 |
panel array editor data | 746 |
panel array editor string | 768 |
panel container | 208 |
panel draw trajectory spline 3d | 737 |
panel draw trajectory spline | 708 |
panel draw trajectory | 662 |
panel image | 174 |
panel matrix | 773 |
panel meta surface 3d | 724 |
panel oscilloscope audio | 615 |
panel oscilloscope data | 672 |
panel oscilloscope xy | 446 |
panel path | 335 |
panel popup | 264 |
panel range fader | 83 |
panel ruler | 748 |
panel separator | 705 |
panel shape | 334 |
panel text | 79 |
panel wave display | 661 |
panel xy draw | 297 |
panel xy pad | 262 |
panel xyz draw | 719 |
panel xyz pad | 718 |
pannel meta surface | 698 |
panner x4 | 69 |
patch bypass | 412 |
patch comment | 257 |
patch info editor | 609 |
patch on activation | 103 |
patch on deactivation | 608 |
patch on initialization | 90 |
patch on off | 169 |
patch password protect | 620 |
patch send internal msg | 248 |
phase vocoder forward | 569 |
phase vocoder inverse | 570 |
polar to cartesian | 225 |
poly array value | 440 |
poly current voice number | 293 |
poly subpatch polyphony | 294 |
poly voice dispatcher midi | 296 |
quicklink get | 423 |
quicklink set | 422 |
rgb to color legacy | 704 |
rounding ceil | 455 |
rounding frac | 453 |
rounding round | 23 |
rounding trunc | 24 |
sampler timeline | 500 |
script old | 123 |
script | 273 |
separator panel | 62 |
string concat voice number | 738 |
string concat x2 | 165 |
string concat | 484 |
string delete | 782 |
string equal | 396 |
string extract | 780 |
string find position | 769 |
string float to string | 279 |
string get length | 781 |
string get token | 787 |
string insert | 786 |
string integer to string | 234 |
string lowercase | 784 |
string mix dispatch | 405 |
string mix selector | 312 |
string replace | 703 |
string to float | 472 |
string to integer | 471 |
string trim | 785 |
string uppercase | 783 |
sub patch | 6 |
synchro clock divider | 449 |
synchro clock | 360 |
synchro legacy | 63 |
synchro local | 180 |
synchro master | 179 |
synchro quantize data | 365 |
synchro quantize midi | 367 |
synchro quantize trigger | 366 |
synchro smpte get | 181 |
synchro smpte set | 232 |
synchro swing trigger | 485 |
synchro tempo to delay | 469 |
system battery level | 254 |
system os language id | 411 |
system platform | 619 |
system shell command | 194 |
system shutdown reboot quit | 753 |
time count blocs | 468 |
time count ms | 361 |
time date | 701 |
time elapsed | 470 |
time ms | 30 |
time precise ms | 176 |
time sec | 31 |
time time | 209 |
trigonometric 2pi | 611 |
trigonometric arccos | 27 |
trigonometric arcsin | 26 |
trigonometric arctan | 301 |
trigonometric arctan2 | 502 |
trigonometric cosinus | 12 |
trigonometric pi | 28 |
trigonometric sinus | 11 |
trigonometric tangent | 454 |
trigonometric triangle | 788 |
user | 95 |
usine current patch number | 747 |
usine current rack number | 88 |
usine get trace | 573 |
usine grid module | 779 |
usine ib settings | 742 |
usine language id | 410 |
usine main grid fade value | 633 |
usine main grid section settings | 345 |
usine main grid settings | 341 |
usine master light settings | 407 |
usine master settings | 153 |
usine master vu meters | 756 |
usine patch settings | 250 |
usine preset module | 276 |
usine preset settings | 640 |
usine quantize settings | 356 |
usine rack settings | 352 |
usine setup settings | 308 |
usine setup value data | 752 |
usine setup value string | 758 |
usine trace midi | 580 |
usine trace value | 10 |
usine trash settings | 438 |
usine workspace settings | 359 |
video anti aliasing | 525 |
video blur height map | 659 |
video blur shuffle pixels | 643 |
video blur smoother | 549 |
video blur soft border | 665 |
video blur spray | 529 |
video blur tray | 685 |
video blur | 540 |
video color black and white | 546 |
video color change pixel mode | 669 |
video color contour | 630 |
video color contrast | 528 |
video color dilate | 628 |
video color erode | 629 |
video color exclude | 534 |
video color extract | 533 |
video color get average color | 691 |
video color grayscale | 535 |
video color lightness | 536 |
video color posterize | 532 |
video color random noise | 556 |
video color rgb | 524 |
video color saturation | 526 |
video color semi opaque | 514 |
video color solarize | 531 |
video color split light | 660 |
video color subtract | 692 |
video color threshold | 632 |
video convolution | 557 |
video delay | 599 |
video detect | 286 |
video draw ellipse | 649 |
video draw fill ellipse | 648 |
video draw fill path | 651 |
video draw fill rect | 645 |
video draw line | 644 |
video draw path | 652 |
video draw pixel | 647 |
video draw rect | 646 |
video draw text | 650 |
video generator fill color | 547 |
video geometric bands | 684 |
video geometric fish eye | 682 |
video geometric flip h | 512 |
video geometric flip v | 513 |
video geometric get size | 631 |
video geometric mirror h | 538 |
video geometric mirror v | 537 |
video geometric mosaic | 523 |
video geometric pixels distribution | 545 |
video geometric resize | 548 |
video geometric seamless | 530 |
video geometric shuffle | 683 |
video geometric tile | 539 |
video mapping change aspect ratio | 575 |
video mapping crop resize | 527 |
video mapping crop | 515 |
video mapping multi | 604 |
video mapping path mask | 554 |
video mapping path | 516 |
video mapping perspective | 520 |
video mapping rotation simple | 596 |
video mapping rotation | 517 |
video mapping scale | 518 |
video mapping shearing | 522 |
video mapping translation | 519 |
video mapping vignette | 597 |
video mix alpha mask | 576 |
video mix auto fadein | 593 |
video mix combine | 511 |
video mix concat | 690 |
video mix crossfade | 541 |
video mix dimmer | 542 |
video mix incrustation | 574 |
video mix selector | 590 |
video mix split | 777 |
video pixel density | 636 |
video pixel mapper | 605 |
video player flow | 553 |
video player image multi | 603 |
video player image | 555 |
video player ip camera | 671 |
video player ndi camera | 686 |
video player opengl shader | 687 |
video player | 501 |
video recorder | 676 |
video thru | 577 |
video to 3d points | 668 |
video to color array | 584 |
video to data array | 761 |
video to ilda | 627 |
version 5.2.221206
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