Change Usine Design

It's very easy to customize Usine's controls and change colors and layouts. Almost all visible controls can be changed.

  1. Activate the god mode in the setup-expert,
  2. [Shift + Click] on any Usine's control,
  3. Modify the design settings tab as you want,
  4. Save the design settings tab.


Let's change, for example, the main ON-OFF switch on the master panel.

Shift + Click on a control.

Then, the settings-panel appears and the tab-design, which is normally hidden, is now visible.

Note the snapshot internal name, in our case, it's USINE_MASTER_PANEL_ONOFF.

In the settings-panel-tab-design of the selected object you can change any layout or colors.

As in the example bellow

Finally click on save snapshot button to save the current design.

This new snapshot will be loaded as the default layout for the control.


The snapshot will be saved in the /Usine/Config/Snapshots folder. In our example, it will be saved with the name USINE_MASTER_PANEL_ONOFF.tuswitch_tab_design

If you need external images for the snapshot, you can put them in /Usine/Config/Snapshots folder.

See also

version 6.0.241021

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