Get Multi-touch and Gesture info

Note: Only available for Windows users, MACOSX can't receive multi-touch info.

In Usine it is very easy to get multi-touch information within patches.

Note: To enable multi-touch you have to activate the enable touch screen option Note: in the setup-global. Note:

Getting multi-touch info

The main idea is that every interface-design modules of Usine receive multi-touch information and send them to Mouse down, Mouse X and Mouse Y outlets.

These Outlets are array and their size is equal to the number of touch points on the control.

For example if you touch the control with two fingers, the mouse down will be an array of 2 elements.

We can now use an array module with faders to send this information directly to another module, for example a plug-in.

Here the 2 mouse Y values are sent to the 2 filter parameters of a synthesizer.

Getting Gesture info

The gesture in touch and multi-touch environment is the finger movement recognition.

For example if you move a single finger in one direction it's called a panning (or pan). It can be a pan left, up, right, down.

If the trace gesture option activated in the trace-panel, gestures ID are displayed like:

In Usine, every interface-design modules can receive gesture information from the gesture outlet.

A gesture information is an array which contains:

  • A number, the gesture ID
  • Several other value like the starting point of the gesture, the movement speed, etc. stored in data1, ..., data5.

gestures description

ID Description Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Data5
0 unknown gesture down X down Y up X up Y speed
1 pan left down X down Y up X up Y speed
2 pan right down X down Y up X up Y speed
3 pan up down X down Y up X up Y speed
4 pan down down X down Y up X up Y speed
5 pan left bi points down X down Y up X up Y speed
6 pan right bi points down X down Y up X up Y speed
7 pan up bi points down X down Y up X up Y speed
8 pan down bi points down X down Y up X up Y speed
100 short touch (or click) single : when the user has pressed the screen or the left mouse button during more than 200 ms X Y
101 long touch (or click) single : when the user has pressed the screen or the left mouse button during more than 1000 ms X Y
102 short bi-touch : when the user has pressed the screen with 2 fingers during more than 200 ms first finger X first finger Y
103 long bi-touch : when the user has pressed the screen with 2 fingers during more than 1000 ms first finger X first finger X

See also

version 6.0.240801

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