Grid Panel

The Grid is a powerful sequencer adapted to live music situation. See grid tutorial. A grid contains grid-elements created by a simple Drag & Drop of racks, patches or presets.

The grid is separated in several sections, representing parts of your song or live performance. Within each you can decide if it is played in loop, paused at the end, or continue to the next section.

Transport Commands

The transport area of the grid provides classic functions such as basic navigation and the jump to next section.

  • indications of the section number,
  • the name of the current section,
  • a continue to next section button,
  • section zoom / reset zoom,
  • the scroll button which enable/disable the cursor following.

Each of those icons, as most of the objects in Usine, can receive key, MIDI, OSC assignments to be controlled by external devices.


Activates/deactivates the playing of the grid.

restart from beginning

Restart the sequence from the beginning.

replay current

Replays current section.


Go to previous section grid.


Go to next section.

goto last section

Go to the last section of the grid.


Go to the next section at the end of the current one (overrides the loop mode).

fit size

Resets the grid size to fit the current panel width.


Enables/disables the follow cursor mode during the playback of the grid.


Locks the grid to prevent inadvertent modification.


List of all sections as a combobox.


add new line

Adds a line at the bottom of the grid.

add new section

Adds a column at the right of the grid.


Clears the content of the selected object to make it empty.


Opens a file of the selected object saved previously.

save as

Saves the selected object as a file with a new name.


number of lines

Sets the number of lines.

number of sections

Sets the number of sections.

show section descriptions

Displays the section description if exist. Example of description.

descriptions height

Description height in pixels

show section number in caption

Determines if the number of the section is displayed in the caption.

load next playlist

Determines if Usine will will the next workspace in the playlist at the end of the last section.

wkp name

If you want to automatically open a new workspace at the end of the last section.

  • load next playlist When ON, will load the next workspace in the playlist.
  • wkp name Name of the next workspace to load. Only if load next playlist is OFF

auto play grid

Runs the grid automatically when you open a the workspace.

show grid

Shows automatically the grid when you open the workspace.

fades also on backward

Normally, fades-out are processed only when the grid is forwarding to the next section. When this option is enabled, fade-out are processed also when the grid goes backward to a previous section.


Speed coefficient applied to the cursor's speed. This can speed up or slow down the playback speed.

elapsed time

Displays the time elapsed since the beginning of the section.

remaining time

Displays the time remaining until the end of the section.

See also

version 6.0.241021

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