Command Line Options

Usine can be executed by a commande line with the following options. Generally, the command line is used on special installation (kiosk).

C:\>C:\Usine\Bin\Usine.exe -fullscreen -ib -dontsavesetup -autoplay "C:\Work\Workspaces\Example.wkp"

user$ Usine -fullscreen -ib -dontsavesetup -autoplay "/Users/john/Desktop/Workspaces/Example.wkp"


Name of the workspace to load at startup. If the name contain space chars, it must be quoted like "C:\2002 MotionKit\Workspaces".


The engine is turned ON automatically at startup.


Usine will be displayed in fullscreen mode. This option the full-screen option defined in the setup-panel-tab-global.


Works only if a workspace-name is defined and loaded, it will appear in IB mode. See ib-panel.


The setup is not saved when Usine quits.


The grid is automatically displayed when a workspace. Only if the grid is not empty.

-fullasio[DRIVER number]

Note: Windows only Forces the audio driver to be in ASIO mode with all inputs and outputs available activated. By default the ASIO driver index is 0 (the first available) but you can specify another index with a number in the command line:

  • -fullasio : equivalent to -fullasio0, the first driver available,
  • -fullasio0 : equivalent to -fullasio, the first driver available,
  • -fullasio1 : the second driver,
  • -fullasio2 : the third driver,
  • etc.

-channels[Number of channels]

Note: Windows only When -fullasio is activated, this option limits the number of opened ASIO channels.

  • -channels : all available ASIO channels are opened,
  • -channels8 : only 8 ASIO channels are opened,
  • -channels32 : only 32 ASIO channels are opened.

If this parameter is omitted, usine will open all available inputs and outputs of the sound card.


Usine starts without audio driver and the setup-panel-tab-audio is not visible.


Usine starts without video engine and the setup-panel-tab-video is not visible.


Usine starts without light engine and the setup-panel-tab-light is not visible.


Usine starts without laser engine and the setup-panel-tab-laser is not visible.


Forces Usine to be in debug mode to display additional information's.


Disable all CPU optimizations for bloc processing procedures. Can help to launch Usine on (very) old CPU's.

See also

version 6.0.240801

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