User interface for the Patch or sub-patch which contains visible objects and controls.
Note: The Control panel is the visible part of a patch, where you can interact. Note: with any interface-design module.
Opens the patch-editor-panel.
Renames the selected object. Alternative to [alt-click] on an interface-design module, or any panel, to change its caption.
Randomizes values of the selected object. Note: Only visible controls can be randomized.
Resets all the values of the selected object. Note: It resets to the reset value value for controls and to their default values for panels.
Add a new patch in the current rack.
Clears the content of the selected object to make it empty.
Opens a file of the selected object saved previously.
Saves the selected object as a file.
Saves the selected object as a file with a new name.
Reload the selected object from the previously saved file.
Export the selected object (patch, rack or workspace). It saves it normally, but also creates folders where all used audio samples, video and images are exported. Note: This can be used to share with other users and be sure that no media is missing.
Duplicates the selected object.
Copies the selected object in the clipboard.
Pastes the clipboard in the selected object.
Note: Only if a module is selected in the patch editor. Recreate the selected module with its default value. It will open again the Query dialog to choose the settings but you will not have to re-link the existing wires.
Name or caption of the object as it appears in its visible interface.
Name of the file if the patch has been saved before. It's a read only setting.
Manual page about of this object.
show manual
Opens the default web browser the selected object and displays an html page.
Determines if parameters of this object are saved in the preset-panel of the rack.
Parameters of the this object can cross faded when you recall a preset in the grid. Note: Optional setting, does not appear on all objects.
When ON, this object will be randomized when using the randomize command.
When ON, this object will be reset to its default value when using the reset command of its patch.
Determines if the the rack or the patch is automatically maximized when it's active on the grid and minimized when inactive.
Hint text displayed on mouse over.
When OFF you cannot use the undo/redo function. This can speed up patching interface on very heavy patches and avoid the saving after each operation.
It's not recommended to disable it.
When ON graphic updates are made as fast as possible.
I can overload the graphic engine.
Enables the panel.
Minimizes or maximizes the panel.
Opens/closes the preset panel.
Reduce the size of the current object.
Activate the sending of the LTC to the audio output device.
Activate the reception of the LTC from the audio input device.
Enables sending of incoming MIDI messages to the MIDI lan output, and so, send messages to other Usine's present on the network.
Activate the reception of MIDI time-clock messages on this device in order to synchronize the tempo.
Activate the sending of MIDI time-clock messages to this output device in order to synchronize the tempo.
Activate the reception of MIDI time code on this device.
Activate the sending of MIDI time code to this output device.
Activate the reception of MIDI Show Control messages on this device.
Tells to Usine that the device is motorized, so Usine will send back MIDI informations to the associated output device if a control is "learned" to that input device.
Hint text displayed on mouse over.
version 6.0.240801
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