Files list management panel.
Note: If files are Audio type, it gives you an access to the wave editor and to the audio-stretch-panel.
Adds a new file in the list.
Removes the selected file.
Renames the selected file on the disk.
Copies/duplicates the selected file with another name.
Clears the list.
Copies the list to the clipboard.
Sorts the list in alphabetic order.
Paste a list previously saved with the copy list command.
Save the list to a file.
Opens a previously saved file.
Moves the selected file up in the list.
Moves the selected file down in the list.
Selected file number in the list.
Length in Milliseconds of the selected sample (audio files only).
Bit resolution of the selected sample (audio files only).
Number of channels of the selected sample (audio files only).
Indicates the sample rate of the selected sample (audio files only).
Opens the wave editor chosen in the setup-global (audio files only).
Opens the audio-strecth-panel to change the tempo, pitch or length of the current audio sample (audio files only).
version 6.0.240801
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