Setup tab Network

The OSC and Network options of Usine where you can activate OSC (Open Sound Control) and share on network capabilities.

network active

Turns the network and OSC engine ON (receive and send).

network speed

Speed of the network engine when data are sent. For a speed=20ms, Usine sends data and SHARED commands every 20 milliseconds.

opened ports

The local ports numbers used to receive OSC messages.

Can be a comma separated list of integers in the range [0..65535]. For example 2002 or 2002,2003,5623,1336

input buffer size

Size of the buffer for incoming network data. Increase it if you receive a large amount of data.

OSC translator file

Name of the OSC messages translator file. Can be used to convert automatically convert incoming or outgoing OSC messages. See osc-translator.

iP address local

List of addresses of the computer on the local Network, called the local IP address. If you see it means that you're not connected to a Network.

Only available when share active or OSC active is ON.

host name

Name of the computer as seen on the Network.

share active

Turns the Network share engine ON.

share port

Port number used on the network for patch sharing. This port is determined automatically by Usine according to the number of Usine instances present in localhost.

share broadcast mask

Subnet mask used for network sharing for detection of other Usine on the network.

Can be used to restrict the shared network to a sub net.

send tempo and synchro info

Sends tempo and synchronization information's to the Network. This computer will be considered as a master.

Only one connected computer should have this option to avoid conflicts

send grid sections info

Sends and synchronize information's about sections to the Network. This computer will be considered as a master.

Only one connected computer should have this option to avoid conflicts

When ON, it automatically synchronizes grids of all connected computer to the master grid.

On slaves computers, new buses are created:

  • current-section: number of the current section.
  • sections-list: list of section's captions as a comma-text.

send playlist info

Sends playlist information's to the Network. This computer will be considered as a master.

Only one connected computer should have this option to avoid conflicts

When ON, it automatically synchronizes playlist of all connected computer to the master grid.

send global arrays

Global option to disable or enable the sharing of global-arrays modules. When this option is ON, Usine can send all values over the network.

When OFF, sending is disabled even if the send to shared computers setting of global-arrays modules is activated.

connected computers

Displays the list of all the connected computers on the Network running Usine.

Share active must be ON on all connected computers.


You need a connection to get help pages inside Usine or to register with your activation key. You can disable the internet connexion in expert-tab disable-internet-connexion.

is connected to internet

Read only property which indicates if Usine is connected to internet.

The test for connection is made at startup, so if its status has changed you must use the command test internet connection bellow.

iP address internet

Address of the computer on internet.

Only available when is connected to internet is ON.

test internet connection

Tests manually internet availability.

remote control

Allows the remote control of Usine from a web page. See remote-control.

enable remote control

Turns ON/OFF the remote control capabilities.

remote ID

ID used for remote control identification. Must be a string with letters and digits in the set [A..Z,a..z,0..9].

remote server

Address of the remote access server, by default

remote port

Port used by the web socket to communicate with Usine. By default 80, change it if this port is already used on your computer.

response file

Files used as response for the webserver. Only used for a local network connexion.

remote control connected

Indicates if Usine is currently connected to a remote web page. Inside a patch you can use this field with the usine-setup-settings module.

See also

version 6.0.241021

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