Displays various information's like incoming MIDI/network message, internal messages or others important messages of Usine.
Traces MIDI messages received by external devices.
Traces MIDI output messages outgoing to external devices.
Traces all keyboard incoming messages, useful, for example, to know the numeric value of a key:
The gesture names in touch and multi-touch environment. See multi-touch for more infos.
Traces OSC incoming messages.
Traces OSC outgoing messages.
Traces all incoming UDP messages.
Traces all incoming COMMANDS messages used in patch sharing context.
Traces the ping time of all connected computeurs (with Usine runing).
Traces all DMX output frames.
Traces all DMX input frames.
Traces the current video engine frame rate in Frames per seconds.
Traces various informations about the remote connection. See remote-control.
Traces informations about the global-arrays sent on the network.
Traces informations about the global-arrays received from the network.
Clear the content of the trace panel.
Settings available in god mode. See setup-panel-tab-expert.
Traces the real MIDI in latency, in other words, the time elapsed when the MIDI message arrives to the computer and the time it is handled by Usine.
Usine communicates between threads by using a sophisticated messaging manager. This option traces the capacity and amount of messages that are queued. Be aware to maintain the graphic queue length as short as possible to avoid graphic overloads.
The set caption of objects procedure takes a lot of CPU when done inside patches. This option helps you to minimize the CPU impact of caption modifications by displaying a messages in the trace panel.
Traces the names of unavailable buses, for example if you use a get bus module with an invalid name.
Traces the internal messages clock real interval. Gives an idea of the accuracy of your environment. Connected to the setup refresh speed.
version 6.0.241021
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