Workspace Panel

A Workspace refers to the overall environment. In other words it is the main window where you organize your work.

In your Workspace you decide which panels are visible, which sounds to add, effects to use, and automation to tie it all together.

A workspace contains racks and racks contain patches.

When you save the Workspace, all racks are stored along with the underlying patches and settings. It also contains Mixer input and output information's (volumes, etc.), synchronization information's (tempo, bar length, etc.) and automations (in the grid or movements recordings).


  1. main-menu: displays several essential commands like show the browser, and activate features like the MIDI/key/OSC learn mode, the automation recording, etc.
  2. master-panel: this panel contains the main ON/OFF switch (audio and calculation engine), the main volume fader/meters, and several useful indicators.
  3. Gives an access to panels such as the mixer, direct-to-disk, and devices.
  4. master-synchro-panel: this panel is where you can set the tempo and metrics in Usine and displays timecode.
  5. master-light-panel, gives access to plot-panels
  6. contextual-menu-panel: this menu will be different depending of the selected object and will display several commands like open, save, delete, etc.
  7. rack: racks are where you create your Audio, MIDI, DMX, and Video chains. You add inputs (external or internal), add sounds, FX's, and automation curves and finally your Audio/MIDI outputs.
  8. control-panel: interface of the processing patch. For example a patch can produce or process sound, send DMX commands, and everything you can imagine.
  9. rack-output: output zone of the rack, generally your sound card output, or a MIDI device.
  10. settings-panel: properties of the selected object.
  11. rack-input: input zone of the rack, for example a microphone, or a MIDI device.


clear workspace

Removes all racks of the Workspace.

open workspace

Opens a previously saved Workspace.

save workspace

Saves the Workspace.

save workspace as

Saves the Workspace with a new name.

reload workspace

Reloads the Workspace as from the original file.


Export the selected object (patch, rack or workspace). It saves it normally, but also creates folders where all used audio samples, video and images are exported.

This can be used to share with other users and be sure that no media is missing.

new rack

Creates a new multipurpose rack.

paste rack

Pastes a previously copied rack.

full screen

Toggles Usine in full screen mode.

quit Usine

Quit Usine.



Name of the workspace.

show Presets panel

Displays the preset-panel of this workspace.


Thumbnail of the workspace displayed in the start-page-panel.

If no thumbnail is specified, Usine will create automatically a thumbnail made of a screen-shot of the first control-panel.

time control

Provide a simple way to schedule Usine behavior, for example to run automatically during a defined time period. Can be helpful in fixed installations.

time control enabled

Enable or disables the time control.

time start

Beginning of the running time in format HH:MM:SS

time end

End of the running time in format HH:MM:SS

Usine will run only between time start and time end

See also

version 6.0.241021

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