Changes the tempo, the length or the pitch of a sample.
Choose between several processing modes, according your sample family:
Adjusts the speed of the selected sample.
Changes the pitch of the selected sample.
Applies the speed, pitch to the selected sample.
Changes the beat number for the selected sample.
Changes the tempo for the selected sample.
Applies the beats number and tempo to the selected sample.
Back to original sample (undo the stretch).
Note that each time you stretch a file, a new wave file is created with a new name in the same folder than the original file.
The new name reflects the changes, for example,
for a speed = -1.600, the pitch = -3 half-tones
and the stretch mode 4 for 4 monophonic instrumental.
my groove.wav
will become
my groove.wav.usinestretch@-1.600@-3@4@.wav
version 6.0.241021
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