Splits a MIDI flow so that there's only one message per execution block, similar to unpack on the input-midi module, and also like the module the separate parts of the message have their own outputs.
Use this to treat MIDI messages like other Usine control values: apply math, logic etc.
Bypasses the module.
MIDI input flow(s).
Midi output flow(s).
Channel of the MIDI message.
Type of the the MIDI message.
Data 1 and data 2: first and second data of the MIDI message.
Depends of the message type.
For example data 1 = CONTROL-CHANGE number.
See MIDI implementation for more info.
Minimum number of calculation blocs between two MIDI messages are sent to the output.
Can be used to thinning transmission to external midi devices to avoid potential skipped messages or MIDI port overload when sending bursts of many messages at once. A calculation bloc (128 samples) last around 3 milliseconds, see setup-audio
Sends a 1 value each time a new Data or MIDI message is generated or received.
version 6.0.241021
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